Sunday, August 21, 2005

Hello folks!

I've started this blog for fellow UW-Bothell student and alum writers, who are looking to chat with someone about their creative works, find inspiration to start a poem or two, and possibly submit their works to the literary magazine, paperbox, this winter.

A little about me: I'm a senior at UW-Bothell. I have been the managing editor of two local literary magazines, Licton Springs Review (2003 issue, for which we won a few awards) and paperbox (2005 issue). I have sat on many selection committees for these and other lit mags, and done my fair share of workshopping--most notably with Rick Kenney on the annual UW Rome trip ( which I highly, highly recommend for any aspiring poet looking for a transformational experience. I've had poems published in Mare Nostrum, Bricolage, LSR, paperbox, Twice-Bloomed Wistaria (award-winning poem 'Socrates,') and Exile. All of these are college-based magazines--I've not attempted the national circuit.

...most of my "poetry education" has been self-education; mostly, this consists of cross-pollination among interested parties. I give much credit to PFFA (, an online workshop that really stresses poetry as a craft; they don't take no mess, so if you check them out, lurk for a week or two before posting. And only broach those waters if you're interested in some (often caustic) criticism.

...that's not what this site is about, though--this blog is intended to be more cuddly than PFFA, although as vigorous and interested in craft and quality as the latter site. I'll be posting poems here, and ideas for poems, and musings on this and that. I heartily encourage people to contact me, or ask me questions, or otherwise participate in this poetry dialogue.




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